To celebrate the UK launch of ‘Color Crave’ hair make-up range, Clairol teamed up with Brighton Pride to raise awareness of the products and drive trial amongst festival goers.
The products are fun, temporary hair colours that encourages experimentation and expression of individuality.
We designed, produced and managed an attention-grabbing activation stand, suited for outdoor use at the festival. The stand had bespoke panels for branding and four consultation stations where festival attendees could have their hair dyed and styled.
Consumers were also encouraged to pose in front of a bespoke photo wall and to share their pictures with the campaign hashtag #flauntyourfearless.
The activation took place over one day at the festival and generated extensive social media coverage and attention from the press at the event.
150 brave festival goers had their hair dyed and styled
200 complimentary product samples were distributed
The largest billboard in the world is now available in UK skies! It’s fair to say that something
The Future of Automotive Retail You may have read our last blog piece which focused on pop-up shops
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A few years ago I got asked the question, ‘Why does your agency specialise in experiential marketing‘? This