If you’re looking for a new way to reach people, chalk stencils could well be it. Street stencilling is quickly becoming a very popular marketing strategy for all kinds of brands as it’s creative and eye-catching, and is very cost-effective to produce.
Pick your area wisely – there’s no point in producing your stencils in an area where nobody every goes. Choose places with a high level of footfall such as shopping areas, near universities or close to pubs and clubs. Bear your target market in mind, however, as this will certainly inform where the best place is to leave your messages.
It might be best to do this type of advertising during the summer when the weather is likely to be better. Messages can stay on the street for up to two weeks but if it rains a lot chances are your stencils will disappear a lot sooner.
Brands that have already used this technique include Cath Kidston, Kenneth Cole, Hard Rock Cafe, Dorothy Perkins and more – so as you can see, big names as well as small are attracted to this particular medium for helping to spread their messages.
One way of using these stencils to great effect is to pair them with other media. For example, you could come up with a hashtag to use as part of your next ad campaign and have this as part of your stencil, encouraging people to go online and further engage with your brand, as well as becoming part of a new online community.