Watch Us Rise


Medium matching the message: Watch Us Rise

The Challenge

When Nike announced the launch of its new Tottenham Hotspur kit, accompanied by the motivational tagline, “Watch Us Rise”, it was nothing short of a monumental moment for both brand and club to celebrate.

Our challenge, bring to life this message in an iconic and inspirational way utilising a medium which matched the message. #watchusrise

Location Tottenham, London
Duration 2 Weeks
Objective Awareness

The Execution

Following several weeks scouting for locations in and around Tottenham Hotspur’s stadium, we unlocked a series of building sites to create an authentic realisation of this creative vision. Set during the construction period of the new Tottenham Hotspur stadium, the build aesthetics and messaging were a perfect contextual fit.

“Watch Us Rise” was installed on a collection of building site scaffolds along with giant banners showcasing Nike’s new Tottenham Hotspur kit.

Adding to this, building site hoardings were also taken over to maximise the dominance of the campaign coverage in and around the stadium.

The Outcome

The installations created the perfect contextual realisation of the Watch Us Rise messaging. The proximity to the stadium ensured fans could not miss this exciting announcement.

Going live just in time for the launch event hosted at the stadium, it created not only an iconic OOH campaign but a jaw-dropping greeting to those attending the event.